At Royal City Ball Hockey, Teams can register in one of 2 ways.
This option allows Team Captains to deal with their own economics and collect the funds from their teammate then pay us. This method allows a team to carry up to 18 players on their roster accounting for full-time players and subs, potentially lowering the cost per player. As a Team Captain, you accept responsibility for any uncollected payments.
Please note, as a team fee team you cannot sub from outside of your final approved roster (completed by Game 3) - Click here for complete Adult League subbing rules. You must use only the players that have registered to your roster. A player may only roster to ONE team within a division.
A player must play a minimum of 3 regular season games in order to play in the playoffs.
Team Fee teams CANNOT sub outside of their roster (see Goalie exception below) with the exception of Coed teams if they can only field 2 girls for a game, with league permission (email Jackie) they may sub in ONE registered player from the league. Coed teams must have at least 4 girls on their roster.
This option allows Team Captains to create and manage but have the players pay the league directly. All players must be registered by Week 3.
Team reps are responsible for ensuring the team has a minimum of 11 paid players, and are eligible to play for free if that requirement is met.
A player must play a minimum of 3 regular season games in order to play in the playoffs.
Individual Sign Up teams can call in subs by the following rules:
1. Any Sub MUST be a registered player in a current league
2. Can only sub if a team has less than 8 runners that week
3. Can only sub a maximum of 2 players up to 8 runners
4. A sub can only sub with a team a maximum of 3x a season
5. Can only sub during regular season games - must be on the game sheet and present at the start of the game to be a sub
You can request a goalie sub if your goalie is away. The replacement goalie must be a registered goalie at your level of play.
If you have a sub goalie playing for your team, your regular goalie CANNOT play as an out player for that game.